domingo, 17 de mayo de 2009

Éste texto estaba en el blog de mi espacio del msn, el cuál dejé de usar porque se habia vuelto denso en su manejo, pero eso no es lo importante, lo importante es que en éstos últimos meses se me viene a la cabeza demasiado seguido.

What if…?

What a fucking stupid question, one we all ask ourself some time in our life, but the problem is when those simple words turns to be an obsession, after that we can`t enjoy the time we have.

Of course we make right and wrong decisions in life, with the right ones no problem, but the wrong ones are the ones that hunts us for the rest of eternity, that can be set right if we learn from our mistakes.

Well dunno why is this coming out now, but it is, so stop it I will not, juaz

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